Manganoan Calcite (D8H)
Simple Purpose; – The Mind of Love
Master Deva Name- El-om-see-ra-el
Principle Color(s);- Pink ,White.
Simple Earth Emanation Point;- Richards Deep (Child)
Affirmation;- “Love is my Guide to action.”
-Keywords;-The mind of love, Links Mind and the Heart for truthful Discernment, Heart, Forgiveness, Fear and Grief Release, Freedom from the past, Releases Grudges, old angers and fears, Self-worth and Self-acceptance, Unconditional Love, Healing, Inner Child, Bones, Joints and Physical Heart issues. The Mother Energy. Archangel Raphael.
Physical/ Systems;- Massive Stress, Anger, Frustration and Changability, Mood Swings. Joint pains and Issues. Physical Heart issues. Upper Back Pain. Fatty Deposits in Organs/tissues. High Blood Pressures specialist. Mends Bone Breaks and Fractures.
Extra Mineral Specific Information;-
-This is a Family stone Inducing Group energy that bonds to a Perfect common Goal based in the heart. Powerfully indicates the depth of the Genetic Love bond and knows no boundaries. Creates a call to action in the Family unit unlike any other stone where abuse, injustices and inequalities are being served. One of Very few substances on the Earth that can not only rebuild the mother/child bond, but can create it from scratch if needed. This can even be done within an Individual, leading to the healing of both parties and the resolution of past differences long after one member has left this Plane.