What can the Crystal Skulls do for me?

  • Add depth to all Healing and aid a more permanent outcome.
  • Help in the Emotional and Mental sides of healing so the body can remember how to cure itself in life and carry the cure for others.
  • Bring Purpose and Balance to the 11 levels of self by way of teaching the place of thoughts and Feelings in healing and life.
  • Allow the rewriting of self to deliver Purpose from the endless Potentials.
  • Make available any ancient records, gifts and/or lightpackets left by the self on that level of Consciousness.
  • The TLC Crystalline Consciousness Activators facilitate more complete healing when taken in conjunction with any Liquid crystal from the same City region.
  • Deliver Clarity of Emotion and Initiate the Crystalline Activation of the New Earth body.
  • Facilitate entry to the new world and living in it especially for the Children of Light.
  • Open the true pathways of Wisdom in Life
  • Open this life’s Potentials so Purpose may be found on all Levels