The Crystalline separation
Approaching the demise of Atlantis the High Council, also took measures to protect future humanity from the power of the mineral kingdom. Through communication with the Earth, the key minerals were separated around the Planet. The process was undertaken by the Earth with her body, requiring no outside interference. Clear Quartz and the 77 key foundation minerals of Atlantian society would never again be isolated to one location as they were in Atlantian times. They would be divided into sub-categories until we were ready to manually reunite them. Each of the 77 mineral's united master crystalline grids were disabled and cut off from human intervention, only several major Earth Keeper Crystals were enabled to access information. The Master Devic beings of those minerals were to wait until the stones were reunited to speak to humanity again as a unified whole.
Via the Liquid Crystals the 77 minerals have been reunited, the Unified Master Crystalline grids are awakening, initiating their active states and sequences, the Master Devic have given their sound(names) and ancient gateway symbolism.